What is a calibration charge?
After a long period of time in storage, battery modules must be charged to 100% when they are first commissioned, so that the battery management system (BMS) and controller can accurately track the battery State of Charge (SoC). This process is referred to as the “Calibration Charge”.
As part of the installation process, we have programmed libbi to automatically complete a calibration charge when the system is first connected. On the controller screen, "Calibration Charge" will appear. The charge will come from any available generation source (renewable or grid).
When does the calibration charge start?
When libbi is installed, a short setup wizard takes the installer through the steps to connect libbi to the battery and inverter. These first confirm that the libbi controller is correctly connected to the inverter.
Then, at the end of the setup wizard, the installer will be prompted to reboot the inverter. This restart initiates the calibration charge.
Where an inverter is not connected to the libbi controller, “Local Comms Lost” will appear on screen.