Released 31/08/2023 - Previous version 5.043
Please note this firmware release is for the original zappi 2.0.
These zappis have a serial number starting with a "1"
It does not apply to zappi with built in WiFi/Ethernet.
New Features
For three phase zappis, this firmware release enables the automatic switching between single phase and three phase charging as the surplus power available varies when charging in ECO+.
More details on how to use this feature are provided here: Automatic Phase Switching
Please note that this is a very complex feature which has to cope with all the different limits that can be set, the load on other myenergi devices in the network and the characteristics of the EV being charged. The feature has been tested extensively by myenergi and our beta testers and works well in most circumstances, however please note the following points:
- With "auto" phase switching enabled, zappi will carry out a short test charge when the EV is first plugged in. Please read the full details on Automatic Phase Switching for an explanation of how this works.
- When switching between single phase and three phase charging (and back again) zappi interrupts the charge for 90 seconds. This is to ensure that the EV can safely switch charging mode.
- The interruption in the charge can upset some EV's which will stop charging if the supply is interrupted too many times. If zappi reports "Charge Delayed" after phase switching then this may be the problem and you should continue selecting single phase or three phases charging for ECO+ and not the "auto" feature.
- If a Neutral Limit is set then this may prevent the automatic phase switching. We are continuing to work on this feature but automatic phase switching will work if the Device Limit is set below the Neutral Limit.
New Features / Enhancements
- Automatic phase switching introduced for three phase zappis
- Grid Limit default to 60A
- Export Limit default to 16A
- Improved code that handles what happens if the ("G100") Export or Import limits are exceeded. If the limit is repeatedly broken for more than 15 seconds zappi will "lock out" and will need to be reset before it will allow the charge to continue. This is a requirement under the UK Distribution Code. Zappi can be reset by the installer or by call/email to Tech Support.
Bug Fixes
- Smart Boost now works correctly for three phase zappis
Important - when updating to V5 firmware it is important that all zappis and eddis are also updated to V5 so that they can continue to work together.