Released 01/03/2024 - Previous version 5.402
Please note this firmware release is for the original zappi 2.0.
These zappis have a serial number starting with a "1"
It does not apply to zappi with built in WiFi/Ethernet.
- New charge log format introduced improving the efficiency of data transfer.
- If zappi is locked, the PIN code is now recorded in the charge logs when entered to authorise a charge.
- When zappi boots following a power cut or interruption to the supply and there is an EV connected, the zappi will wait for 90 seconds before starting a charge. Disconnecting the EV overrides this delay.
- When set to ECO or ECO+, charge will no longer resume after "Charge Complete" if Preconditioning is turned OFF. With Preconditioning turned on, only a preset amount of energy will be allowed once charge is complete.
Bug Fixes
- ECO+ countdown is now only displayed when decrementing.
- Automatic Phase Switching from 1ph to 3ph wasn't possible when a Smart Boost was active. Cancelling a Smart Boost in ECO+ was triggering a Phase Switching following the ECO mode setting.
- A wrong error message "output fault" could have been triggered with 3 phase zappi wired with only 1 phase connected if automatic phase switching was enabled.
- Boosting was not always possible while importing in ECO+ mode.
- Fixed a cycling behaviour linked to Boost Timer (single-phase zappi).
- Removed unnecessary information from the CT readings screen.
- zappi would not always restart a charge after Grid Limit.
- zappi would not always allocate the correct load value when in ECO mode.
- With a 3-phase zappi, 2-phase charging was not always correctly using all available surplus power.
- When set to ECO or ECO+, charge will no longer resume after "Charge Complete" if Preconditioning is turned OFF.
Other Changes
- "Grid Limit" renamed "Import Limit" to be consistent with other myenergi devices. This change was introduced with libbi as there are now two “grid limits” - “Import Limit” and “Export Limit”.
- The option to customise the RGB LED colours have been removed. This has been replaced with the ability to set the brightness of the RGB LED.
Important - when updating to V5 firmware it is important that all zappis and eddis are also updated to V5 so that they can continue to work together.