Released 15/04/2024 - Previous version 5.438
Please note this firmware release only applies to the zappi v2 with built in Ethernet, WiFi and "vHub". These zappis have a serial number starting with a "2" or higher
It does not apply to previous versions of zappi without the built in WiFi/Ethernet.
New Features
Commercial Mode
We’re introducing a new feature called commercial mode in zappi firmware. This OCPP Only mode allows operators to utilize the display to provide essential information to end drivers. This includes details like tariff information, the recommended app for charging, and a QR code that directs users to your app or payment link (if supported). In commercial mode, we’ve significantly simplified the display to optimize the charging experience. -
OCPP Charging Profiles Support
We’re adding support for OCPP charging profiles.
Faster Start and Stop Transactions (OCPP)
We’ve made these messages significantly faster for a better app user experience. -
Enhanced Security
In commercial mode, zappi menus are no longer accessible when using PIN codes. This prevents unauthorized editing of device settings.
Important - when updating to V5 firmware it is important that all zappis and eddis are also updated to V5 so that they can continue to work together.