If you need to ensure a full charge or prefer not to participate in Demand Side Response (DSR) events temporarily, you can easily opt-out for 24 hours using the app.
Step-by-Step Guide
Open the myenergi App: Launch the myenergi app on your device.
Access the Menu: Tap on the menu button to access additional options.
Navigate to Settings: Within the menu, select the "Settings" option.
Locate the Disable DSR Button: Scroll to the bottom of the settings screen until you find the "Disable DSR for 24 hours" button.
Opt Out Temporarily: Tap the button to temporarily opt out of DSR events for the next 24 hours.
![dsr opt out.png](/hc/article_attachments/27312835946385) |
Remember that this opt-out is only temporary. If you wish to permanently opt out of DSR and choose not to participate in grid balancing, you can do so through the myaccount portal.
For detailed instructions on how to permanently opt-out, please refer to our article on permanent DSR opt-out.
By managing your DSR preferences, you can make informed decisions about your participation and support for grid balancing efforts.