Released 23/09/2024 - Previous version 5.417
Please note this firmware release is for the original zappi 2.0.
These zappis have a serial number starting with a "1"
It does not apply to zappi with built in WiFi/Ethernet.
New Features
- eSense "load curtailment" mode can now be set to a minimum of 6A instead of 7.2A. The Device Limit can also be adjusted to as low as 6A to accompany this change.
- Improved the use of export threshold when an eddi is the master device
Bug Fixes
- Issue fixed when "installation limit" is reached and without an EV connected, the user cable could not have been unlocked from the zappi socket on untethered units.
Additionally, the system has undergone several minor code enhancements and bug fixes to improve overall functionality and performance.
Important - when updating to V5 firmware it is important that all zappis and eddis are also updated to V5 so that they can continue to work together.