Released 14/01/2025 - Previous version 5.402
Please note this firmware release only applies to the original eddi.
These eddis have a serial number starting with a "1"
It does not apply to the version of eddi with the built in WiFi/Ethernet.
Bug Fixes
Resolves the issue where original eddi units displayed 0 Voltage (Error 47) after a power cut.
Ensures compatibility with all known hardware and bootloader versions.
Introduces improvements to the firmware update process for users with traditional hubs, requiring manual download and installation.
Fixes potential firmware download delays when connected via a traditional hub.
General Information
Traditional hubs will not automatically download the firmware; users must manually download and install the update.
Eddi units relying on traditional hubs will periodically check for firmware updates and download within 7 days of availability.
Once downloaded, users must perform the firmware upgrade via the physical device interface.
A hub reboot may be required to access the new firmware.
This hot fix replaces version 5.402 and is compatible with all known hardware and bootloader versions.
Supported Devices
eddi 1 (units with serial numbers starting with "1" in all regions)
Important - when updating to V5 firmware, it is essential that all zappis and eddis are also updated to V5 to ensure compatibility and continued operation.
Release Dates
Testing Start: 18/12/2024
Beta Release: 18/12/2024
General/Production Release: 14/01/2025
Hardware/Software Compatibility
Compatible with all known hardware variants.
Compatible with all known stub/boot versions and sub-component firmware (Wi-Fi).
Important - when updating to V5 firmware it is important that all zappis and eddis are also updated to V5 so that they can continue to work together.